Experts Packing Tips for Office Moves – CBD Movers Adelaide

Packing Tips for Office Moves

Moving an office is just as hard as moving house. Be in the same city, state or a different location, there are many things to keep in mind. All your excitement can turn into a daunting task if not planned properly.

Packing Tips for Office Moves

Here are some packing tips for office moves:

  1. Plan Ahead: 

Offices are much more complex. With many valuable documents and equipment, you need to consider everything. Begin planning your move at least a couple of months before the actual move. Get yourself cartons or hard boxes in quantity so that you can start with your packing. Visit your new office and decide on the layout. Be prepared beforehand so that you don’t waste your time settling after reach.

  1. Hire Professionals:

Rather than doing everything on your own, hire a team of professional office removalists in Adelaide or in any other place, to help you with packing and moving your office’s valuables. Relocation and Removalists go hand in hand. Exhausting yourself before the move is not a good idea. Hire professionals who’ll make it much easier for you to office moves.

  1. Deep Clean:

The offices are intricate and stuffy. There are many kinds of documents and office equipment that need to be taken and some need to be discarded. Decide what you want to keep or sell. Also, discard the things you do not need, this will help you lessen the burden of packing and moving. Sell out or donate unnecessary furniture. Avoid carrying it with you to the new office.

  1. Label your Boxes and Furniture:

What if you are just stuffing up everything into boxes and not labelling them? Chaos! You won’t find your things when you’ll need them. It’s better to categorize your stuff into documents, files, and stationary and label every box. Also label everything including chairs, desks, lamps, etc. Make sure the label on your furniture is visible and every good is added to your checklist. This way on the day of your move you can easily check out your stuff and be sure about every belonging.

  1. Fragile Items:

Keep your fragile items in a separate container. It’s better to wrap each and every item with newspaper or use bubble wrap. Label it as “FRAGILE ITEMS” on all sides. It’s even better to leave the packing of fragile items to the removalist. Removalists are experts, with years of experience and training they know how to carry and pack such items.

  1. Equipment:

Computers, printers, fax machines, and copiers are all valuable equipment that needs to be properly packed before the move. Make sure that the computers and other equipment are packed with bubble wrap and taped properly. Avoid applying tape to the monitor. Do not use boxes for carrying such equipment and avoid stacking computers on top of each other. Also, check on the instructions for the equipment before detaching their parts.

Other than this, when you move your office, remember to send in applications, wherever necessary, about your company changing office. This will help you avoid any uncomfortable situations in the future and also keep you safe from the situation of lost letters and other important documents.

For more details contact CBD Movers Adelaide now.